


Does the designer form work in a cluster?

Ajouté par Alessio Santacroce il y a plus de 9 ans

Hi there,

I was wondering if the designer form works in a cluster installation where there are more than one Share instance.
In other words, if I design a form, will it be available on all the Share instances in the cluster?

Many thanks,

Réponses (2)

RE: Does the designer form work in a cluster? - Ajouté par Matthieu Laborie il y a plus de 9 ans


The designer produce Alfresco Data Model file, that you can be find in Data Dictionnary > Models, and Share form config under Dictionnary > Configuration.
For Alfresco models there is no issue for cluster deployement. For share forms when you click publish, the file is also put by alfresco repository under a filesystem directory.
You should unsure that this directory is share between all instances of Share. The designer Share AMP should also be install in all instances of Share.

Path can be changed on following files:


Hope it helps

RE: Does the designer form work in a cluster? - Ajouté par Alessio Santacroce il y a plus de 9 ans

Thanks Matthieu for the prompt reply!

I know that the content model can be dynamically uploaded in Data Dictionary/Models, and that works fine in a cluster.
I wasn't sure about the forms, since they are generally defined in the custom-config-share.xml.
But, if I understood correctly, the designer has been implemented to overcome this problem.
I'll have a look into it.

Well done, it looks a great module for Alfresco.

