


Localization and Translation

Ajouté par Boris Fleytlikh il y a plus de 9 ans


How can i help with translation of beCPG Project? I can try to help with ru-RU localization.

Réponses (3)

RE: Localization and Translation - Ajouté par Matthieu Laborie il y a plus de 9 ans


Thanks for your help!
You can use tools to translate beCPG. I've added russian language.
Or if you prefer I can send you all the property files by email. We will then reintegrated it into the trunk.

We will try to send an email to all language contributors before each community release to fix missing keys.


RE: Localization and Translation - Ajouté par Boris Fleytlikh il y a plus de 9 ans


Currently - 25%... It's hard to translate anything without possibility to work on mistakes in realtime. )). I will continue working on refining, improving the quality of the translation. But now I need to see the words in context in order to correct an incorrect translation. How can i see and test the translated text on the server, in real conditions?

RE: Localization and Translation - Ajouté par Matthieu Laborie il y a plus de 9 ans


Thanks for your work, to test it you will have to deploy the trunk AMPs to your Alfresco.

Checkout the code using mercurial:

$ hg clone

user: read-only
password : read-only

Get the last translations from zanata

cd becpg-community
./ or (mvn org.zanata:zanata-maven-plugin:3.3.2:pull-module -Dzanata.locales=ru -Dzanata.disableSSLCert)

You will have to create a zanata.ini file

Build the AMPs:

mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
grab the needed AMP under target folders and deploy it to your alfresco 4.2.

Maybe you can do some kind of script to deploy it more easily :
Sample script :

cp -rf becpg-core/src/main/resources/* $SERVER/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes
cp -rf becpg-share/src/main/web/* $SERVER/webapps/share/
cp -rf becpg-share/src/main/config/* $SERVER/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/
cp -rf becpg-designer/becpg-designer-share/src/main/web/* $SERVER/webapps/share/
cp -rf becpg-designer/becpg-designer-share/src/main/config/* $SERVER/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/
cp -rf becpg-project/becpg-project-share/src/main/web/* $SERVER/webapps/share/
cp -rf becpg-project/becpg-project-share/src/main/config/* $SERVER/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/
cp -rf becpg-plm/becpg-plm-share/src/main/web/* $SERVER/webapps/share/
cp -rf becpg-plm/becpg-plm-share/src/main/config/* $SERVER/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/

I will update this page with your feedback :

Hope it helps
