


Can´t create a Project

Ajouté par Mat Sen il y a plus de 9 ans

Hi all.

I´ve installed beCGP community v1.6.4 (Project) in Alfresco 4.2.f.

When trying to create a project an error appears and nothing is created: ¨Duplicate child name not allowed: project - code¨ (print-screen attached).

Any idea?


Error.png (53,5 ko) Error.png Error - Print screen

Réponses (4)

RE: Can´t create a Project - Ajouté par Matthieu Laborie il y a plus de 9 ans


What is the name of your project ? Is there any other project with the same name in the current folder ?


RE: Can´t create a Project - Ajouté par Mat Sen il y a plus de 9 ans


There is not any other project in the folder. In fact, I've just installed beCPG and I never have created a project (I could not).

Do you know what could be the problem?

RE: Can´t create a Project - Ajouté par Matthieu Laborie il y a plus de 9 ans

It's seems like an installation problem have you installed all the AMP (becpg-core and becpg-project)?

Have you use the -force option to install AMP ?

Have you run the init-repo button under Alfresco Administration?


RE: Can´t create a Project - Ajouté par Alex MARIMOUTOU il y a environ 9 ans

Hi Mat Sen,

I think this issue is described and solved here:

I belive you need to activate a patch to enable in-transactional metadata queries:

I had the same issue, and solved it this way.

Best regards,

Alex M.
